What financial institutions do you represent?
None. LCM Capital Management is an independent, federally registered investment advisory (RIA) firm. Our independence allows our clients to receive unbiased, cost-efficient financial advice.
What makes LCM Capital Management different?
LCM Capital Management’s investment approach favors direct investment in individual stocks and individual bonds, a few select ETF’s and certain money market funds, and by only charging one low fully transparent management fee, we ensure that you know exactly what you are paying LCM Capital Management. See our ADV wrap brochure for any miscellaneous fees or expenses.
LCM Capital Management receives no incentive or pressure to use an internal analyst’s research or recommendations. LCM Capital Management pays no soft dollars. LCM Capital Management uses no synthetic retail products i.e. closed ended funds, sub-prime, fund of funds, mutual funds, auction rate preferreds or annuities. -
What is a fiduciary and why is that important?
LCM Capital Management is a fiduciary under federal securities laws and is thereby obligated to put your interests first. Our obligations to you as a fiduciary go beyond those required of a brokerage firm.
What do you charge?
We charge an annual professional money management fee, which is deducted monthly (1/12th) and determined by the amount in aggregate LCM Capital Management manages as well as your investment strategy (equity, balanced, fixed-income).
Where are my assets held and are they protected?
Client's assets are held by our custodians, Charles Schwab Institutional and Fidelity Investments Institutional. Both custodians are members of SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) and also have additional protection commonly referred to as excess SIPC protection. For more details, please contact our firm here.
Remember, this account protection does not cover declines in the market value of securities. -
Will you try to sell me mutual funds or variable annuities?
No, LCM Capital Management believes mutual funds are the great American ripoff. Additionally with variable annuities, one must add insurance costs on top of the mutual fund costs.
Do you assure me of a certain return on my investments?
While there is no assurance of specific returns, lowering your annual costs to have your monies managed can add significantly to your returns over the long term.
How will I know what you are doing with my investments?
LCM Capital Management manages all accounts with discretion. All clients receive trade confirmations, monthly statements, and quarterly performance reports either by mail or email. Online access to your account information and history is available upon request.
What kind of investments does LCM Capital Management invest in?
All portfolios are customized to each client based on risk, time horizon, and tax circumstances. The equity holdings will be all individual stocks or exchange-traded index funds. The fixed-income portion will be all individual holdings invested across the maturity spectrum and allocated accordingly to maximize yields.
How do I open an account with LCM Capital Management?
Simply contact LCM Capital Management at 312-705-3013 or lcm@lcmcapital.com and all of the necessary forms will be provided.
What is the minimum account balance required to begin investing with LCM Capital Management?
$25,000 on equities and balanced strategies, $100,000 for fixed-income strategy.
How often will I receive reports on my investment?
You will have access to your account online (if you choose), receive monthly statements from the custodian and quarterly performance reports from LCM Capital Management.